How to Make Irish Coffee - Recipe & Tips
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How To: Make An Irish Coffee

The ingredients for this sweet, whiskey-based warm-up are actually codified (I.S. 471, to be exact) in the National Standards Authority of Ireland, the agency that oversees everything from food safety to hospital practices. Here’s how to whip up your own.


Place a stainless-steel spoon in a stemmed glass.  Trickle hot water down the spoon, filling the glass. This prevents cracking and keeps the drink warm longer.


Drain the water, add 2–4 teaspoons of whole-cane sugar, then fill the glass about ¾ full with coffee, and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add a shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey (then another, for good measure).



Drizzle heavy cream over the backside of the heated spoon, creating a 2-inch floater. Now the fun part: Drink through the cream—it’s key to ensuring a proper mouth mix that tempers the whiskey’s bite.

Learn more simple cocktail techniques.