Five Health Tips for the Wine Shop Employee | Wine Enthusiast
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Five Health Tips for the Wine Shop Employee

Wine sales spike during the fall and winter months according to a study by Bevspot. During the busy season, tastings, travel, erratic eating and working overtime can undermine your immune system. Keeping up the pace to sell more wine is important, but so is maintaining your well-being.

Here are five tips to stay on top of your game:

1. Fill your stomach before your glass: It’s hard to manage having a healthy meal when you’re on the floor, especially when wine tastings only provide bread, cheese and charcuterie. Eat a high-protein breakfast, pack portable snacks like unsalted nuts, dark chocolate, chopped raw vegetables and fruit.

2. Protect your back: Carrying boxes and bags as well as standing or sitting for long periods of time stress your back. Practicing yoga will improve flexibility, balance, stamina, help realign posture and alleviate back pain.

3. Stay hydrated: On average, men should consume 3.7 liters (about 15.5 cups) and women 2.7 liters (about 11.5 cups) of water daily. Herbal tea, clear broths, fresh juice and fruits also provide hydration. Avoid sweetened or diet sodas and energy drinks.

4. Share wine, not germs: Carry disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers. Get a flu shot and consider offering free shots for your staff. Utilize individual spit cups at tastings to supplement communal buckets. Stay home if you feel unwell.

5. Schedule recovery nights: Give yourself evenings off to catch up on sleep. Warm milk, chamomile tea, and melatonin are natural sleep aids. Avoid consuming caffeine at night. Drinking alcohol before bedtime can impact your sleep.

Taking care of business and caring for your body should be equal priorities. At the end of the season we all want to be able to raise a glass to toast “in good health.”