Tawnie Logan | 40 Under 40 Tastemakers | Wine Enthusiast Magazine
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40 Under 40 Tastemaker

Tawnie Logan, 35, Santa Rosa, CA
Photos by Scott McDermott

Co-Founder/Chair of the Board, Sonoma County Growers Alliance; Chair of the Board, California Growers Association; Board Member, County of Sonoma Cannabis Advisory Group

California’s other important crop

There’s a connection between the wine and cannabis industries that can’t be overlooked, and no one’s more aware of that than Logan. She started the alliance to support economically and environmentally sustainable conditions for marijuana growers in Sonoma County. “The wine industry is an agricultural giant in California, and especially so in Sonoma County,” she says. “This means our two high-value crops will be learning how to collaborate from resource sharing to cultural and lifestyle trends.”