Sarsaparilla Soda Float | Wine Enthusiast
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Sarsaparilla Soda Float

Courtesy of Nios Restaurant and Wine Bar, New York, NY.


2 ounces Tuthilltown Hudson Baby Bourbon Whiskey
6 ounces Hansen’s Sarsaparilla Soda
3 ounces chocolate ice cream
2 ounces Guinness Stout, floated on top
Bing cherry, soaked in Bourbon, for garnish


Pour the Bourbon into a frosty beer mug followed by the chilled Sarsaparilla soda, adding the soda slowly until it reaches about 2 inches below the rim. Using an ice cream scoop, place two rounds of vanilla ice cream on the rim of the glass, allowing the soda to foam beneath. Insert a drinking straw and a long-handled spoon between the ice cream scoops, and then top-off with the Guinness Stout. Garnish with the Bourbon-soaked Bing cherry.

Mixologist’s Tip: The ice cream must be positioned on the glass just right: If it’s resting too deep in the glass, the foam will overflow; if it’s situated too high on the rim, there won’t be enough foam produced to call it a true soda.